Warming Up Before You Run: Does It Matter?

The running warm-up. A highly debated, often skipped, area of the run training process. Should you do it? Does it really matter? I will start by stating 2 things:

  1. I will always recommend you perform a dynamic warm-up before a run or race.

  2. Currently, no research supports the idea that warming up before you run enhances distance running performance or injury prevention.

With that second statement, I find it interesting that we do have solid research that supports warming up before competition in other run-heavy sports like Rugby and Soccer. My opinion is that research currently lacks because we ask the wrong questions. However, I’m no Ph.D. and have no desire to obtain one, so I will wait on the more skilled brains of our world to ask questions and do the research.

To further my recommendation that you SHOULD warm up before you run, clinical experience has proven to me that it is helpful in coming back from an injury. From that, I can loosely infer that warming up can help with performance and possibly injury prevention if maintained as part of your routine.

So, we will run with this thought process (pun intended).

What are the perceived benefits of warming up before you run?

  • Warming up helps to increase blood flow to your muscles and can help to reduce the risk of injury. When you start exercising, your muscles are cold and are not as flexible as they would be after they have been warmed up. This may increase the risk of strains and pulls, as the muscles are not as able to stretch and move as they should. By warming up, you help to increase blood flow to the muscles and get them ready for the demands of your run. This is the same case for joint mobility as well.

  • In addition to reducing the risk of injury, warming up can also help to improve your performance during your run. When you start exercising, your body needs to adjust to the increased demands being placed on it. By warming up, you can help your body to make this transition more smoothly, allowing you to perform at a higher level during your run.

  • Warming up can also help to improve your mental focus and concentration, which can be especially important for longer runs. Exercise requires a great deal of mental concentration, and warming up can help clear your mind and get you in the right frame to tackle your run. This is especially important before a race.

By taking the time to warm up properly as part of your overall ‘good habits’ plan around your running, you can ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared each time you lace up and head out the door.

Personally, I feel all of these things after I warm up. I feel less stiffness in my joints and tightness in my muscles, allowing me to be more dynamic. My heart rate and respiration rate adapt more easily to the demand of running and normalize more quickly. Lastly, my mind is wrapped around the idea of the workout ahead. For these reasons, I always warm up. It is a habit. Could I still get hurt? Absolutely. But I feel more confident in my ability if I warm up before running.

Now, what do you do for a dynamic pre-run warm-up? In the video below, I show you a ton of ideas. In what I call the ‘Bands, Balance, Bounce’ approach, pick 2-3 from each category and perform 1-2 sets of 10 before you run. This should only take you 5-8 minutes max. Once you get comfortable, mix the exercises up each week.


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